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September 13, 2002 - Jay - I AM BACK! After a long few days, your faithful webmaster Has returned. This shal be the last time that I have the same Frames with different Dialogue. I've been bombarded with Home Work. But I have a few strips ready for the next few days. Also, there will be a change with more stuff being added to the site soon. Well, my short time here is over. I will Post again soon! PEACE!

September 2, 2002 - Jay - Ok, well now that more people know about this Comic I'm starting to feel more important. Sorry for no updates for about a month, I was busy with school. This will be that last of my summer comics because well, summer is dead out here in sunny california. Its still hot but school is in session. Yea it sucks. Also I will have a new site ready probably by the end of this month. At least I hope so. Also a special thanks To bis for helping me spread the good word of this comic at our very own High School.

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